If you’re looking for the perfect post workout snack to tide you over until your next meal, then these protein bars have got you covered. These naturally sweetened protein bars are made with just 7 ingredients and are packed full of healthy fats and protein, which will help keep you fuller for longer. The sharpness of the coffee blends perfectly with the sweetness of the date syrup while the perform protein (which now has an even better new and improved flavour) adds a subtle taste of vanilla. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be bland and these bars definitely prove that point and after all, why drink your coffee when you can eat it?

Ingredients (makes 12)


  1. Using either the mill blade of a blender or your food processor, grind the nuts until they reach a flour like consistency.
  2. Transfer your ground nuts to a large mixing bowl and combine with the coffee, vanilla protein, almond butter and date syrup. I find it easier to mix with my hands but feel free to use a spoon! The mix is ready when it forms one large ball.
  3. Transfer the mix to a lined baking tray and using your hands or the back of a spoon, press down until firmly compacted. Transfer to the freezer to set for around an hour.
  4. Once the bars have set, remove them from the freezer and slice into your desired size. For me the mix yields 12 as they are quite thick! Store in the fridge until ready to eat – they’ll keep here for 1-2 weeks however I like to freeze mine so that they last a couple of months. If doing this, simply transfer to the fridge an hour or so before eating!

If you make these, don’t forget to tag me on instagram @nourishingyas x